I’ve been at this beta reading racket for just over a year now, and one of the issues I continue to see is clients who rush through the editing process and get their book in my hands too early. Today I thought we’d take a look at the importance of knowing when to hire a beta reader. First things first, …
Grammar Is Sexy
I’m a reader first, a writer second, and an actor last. At no point will I ever claim to be an editor. This is why I’ve never gotten all that hung up on achieving perfect grammar in any of my drafts. There are lots of people who are very talented who I can pay to help. That said, I do …
How Writers Conquer To-Do Lists
I am an unfocused mess, and I feel dwarfed by the size of my to-do list. It’s towering over me and every time I try to take a stab at it, I fall down one rabbit hole or the other and I feel like my brain is all over the place. How do I make the most of my limited …